Hydrology Histories
Dr MS Srinivasan
Dr MS Srinivasan, a hydrologist with NIWA in Christchurch and an Executive member of the Society, has started a new initiative of recording the times and memories of New Zealand's senior hydrologists. Take some time to read/listen to their memories below.
If you know people that would like to be involved in this project, please contact MS at ms.srinivasan@niwa.co.nz.

Hugh Thorpe
Click below to open the PDF files.
Part One: Jogging the memory lane
Part Two: My introduction to Groundwater
Part Three: Emergence of Groundwater in NZ
Part Four: Dam break analysis
Part Five: First irrigation well in Canterbury
Part Six: Story of canal surge

Richard Ibbit
Click below to play the audio files.
New Zealand Hydrological Society:
the first 50 years, 1961-2011 with reports on New Zealand hydrology through the ages.
The New Zealand Hydrological Society was established in 1961 with 8 members and has grown to about 600.
The publication was in recognition of 50 years of achievement by the Society’s officers and members.