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Hydrology Histories


Dr MS Srinivasan

Dr MS Srinivasan, a hydrologist with NIWA in Christchurch and an Executive member of the Society, has started a new initiative of recording the times and memories of New Zealand's senior hydrologists. Take some time to read/listen to their memories below.


If you know people that would like to be involved in this project, please contact MS at


Hugh Thorpe

Click below to open the PDF files.


Richard Ibbit

Click below to play the audio files.

Part One: Arrival in NZ – Early work
Part Two: Birth of TiDeDa
Part Three: Data Quality
Part Four: Early years of TiDeDa 1
Part 5: Early years of TiDeDa 2
Part 6: Electronic Recording System
New Zealand Hydrological Society:
the first 50 years, 1961-2011 with reports on New Zealand hydrology through the ages.

The New Zealand Hydrological Society was established in 1961 with 8 members and has grown to about 600.


The publication was in recognition of 50 years of achievement by the Society’s officers and members.


About NZHS

Our mission is to support and foster hydrology in New Zealand and elsewhere, and to enable NZHS members to receive advanced training in hydrological sciences. NZHS annually presents several student and non-student awards to its members recognising the outstanding contributions of our members to New Zealand hydrology.

Contact Info

New Zealand Hydrological Society

PO Box 12300, Thorndon,
Wellington 6144

Phone: 03 928 0620


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