Number 1
Hutchinson P.; Simmers I. A modified catchment model of the Upper Taieri River, Otago, New Zealand (pages 2-21)
Hay J.E. Computation model for radiative fluxes (pages 36-48)
Khatri Chhetri T.B.; Painter D.J. Erodibility of New Zeland soils (pages 49-58)
Number 2
Finkelstein J. Comparisons between 4-inch plastic and 5-inch copper raingauges (pages 100-103)
Rapier D.A.; Grant P.J. Comparison of wetting losses on two types of raingauge (pages 104-108)
Waugh J.R. Evaluation of rainfall data from plastic and copper raingauges (pages 109-112)
Selby M.J.; Hosking P.J. Causes of infultration into yellow-brown pumice soils (pages 113-119)
Fitzgerald P.D.; Cossens G.G.; Rickard D.S. Infiltration and soil physical properties (pages 120-126)
St Clair-Corcoran B. A general spatial model 1 – Application to efficient land use (pages 127-132)
Patterson J.E. A combined event and fixed-time recorder (pages 141-144)
Juncker P. Toward a global Hydrological typology (pages 145-153)
Journal of Hydrology NZ 10 year author index (pages 159-165)