Number 1
Crozier, M.J. Earthflows and related environmental factors of Eastern Otago (pages 4-12)
Thompson, R.D. Hydrological budget studies on geophysically temperate glaciers (pages 13-23)
Blake, J.G.; Mallison, G.D.; Lykles, P. Infiltration in the Puketurua Experimental Basin (pages 38-46)
Nevins, T.H.F. The Matthes rolling diameter as an indicator of channel stability (pages 47-50)
Number 2
Pain, C.F. Geomorphic effect of floods in the Orere River catchment, eastern Hunua Ranges (pages 62-74)
Boughton, W.C. A mathematical catchment model for estimating run-off (pages 75-100)
Pearson, F.H. Generation of monthly stream-flow data (pages 101-111)
Boughton,W.C.; McKerchar, A.I. Generating synthetic stream-flow records for New Zealand rivers (pages 112-123)
Grant, P.J. Variations of rainfall frequency in relation to drought on the East Coast (pages 124-135)
Selby, M.J. Cones for measuring soil creep (pages 136-137)