Number 1
Bhusal, J.K.; Prasad Subedi, B. Effect of Climate Change on Suspended Sediment Load in the Himalayan Basin: A Case Study of Upper Kaligandaki River (pages 1-10)
Donath, F.M.; Daughney, C.J.; Morgenstern U., Cameron, S.G.; Toews, M.W. Hydrochemical Interpretation of Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions at Catchment and Local Scales, Lake Rotorua Catchment, New Zealand (pages 11-32)
Sims, A.; Cox, S.C.; Fitzsimons, S.; Holland, P. Seasonal Infiltration and Groundwater Movement in Schist Bedrock, Southern Alps, New Zealand (pages 33-52)
Griffiths, G.A.; McKerchar, A.I. Comparison of a Deterministic and a Statistical Model for Predicting Streamflow Recession Curves (pages 53-62)
Bardsley, E. Goodness of Fit Indices for Discharge Forecasts in Real Time (Note) (pages 63-66)
Number 2
Taylor, M.; Bradsley E. The Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation and the Southern Oscillation Index: Relative Metrics for Anticipating Inflows to Upper Clutha Lakes (pages 67-76)
Zemansky, G. Evaluation of Selected Satellite Remote Sensing Methods for Characterising New Zealand Aquifiers (pages 77-102)
Vetrova, V.; Bardsley, E. An Association Between Waitaki River Winter Headwater Flows and the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) (pages 103-108)
Webby, M.G.; Stead, E.; Chapman, F.; Buyce, A.; Davies, M. Design, Construction, Installation and Performance of a New Headwater Level Gauge for Aviemore Dam (pages 125-146)
Griffiths, G.A.; McKerchar, A.I. Estimation of Low Flow Statistics at Unmonitored Sites by Correlation of Concurrent Base Flow Gaugings (Note) (pages 147-152)
Griffiths, G.A.; McKerchar, A.I. Estimation of Flood Peak Discharge by the Slope-area Method (Note) (pages 153-160)