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NZHS e-Current Newsletter

Download the latest NZHS e-Current Newsletter
Number 65, May 2024

NZHS e-Current 65 May 2024.jpg

The New Zealand Hydrological Society produces a newsletter, Current, which normally comes out in May and November. 

Current 46 was the last printed copy and the newsletter will now be in digital format only (now e-Current).

The newsletter is included as part of each member's annual subscription and cannot be purchased separately.   

Contributions for Current are welcomed and can be sent to or:

PO Box 12300

Thorndon, Wellington

New Zealand 6144

Space is available in Current for relevant advertisements. For further information and prices email 

Typical Contents:

  • Message from the Executive: A word from a member of the NZHS executive committee

  • Recent Events: Reviews and opinions of workshops, conferences, courses, and other events

  • Articles: Members' opinion pieces, descriptions of recent hydrological events, book reviews, research summaries, etc

  • Updates: Brief updates from members and organisations (including universities, CRIs, regional councils, and consultants) on topical matters

  • Upcoming Events: A chance for members to promote awareness of upcoming events, workshops, courses

  • Tips & Tools: Practical tools being developed to help hydrology practitioners (eg, software, analytical methods, training material)

  • Nuts & Bolts: Technical forum for equipment reviews, trials, etc

  • The Last Word: Anything (or almost anything) goes

Download Past e-Current Newsletters

About NZHS

Our mission is to support and foster hydrology in New Zealand and elsewhere, and to enable NZHS members to receive advanced training in hydrological sciences. NZHS annually presents several student and non-student awards to its members recognising the outstanding contributions of our members to New Zealand hydrology.

Contact Info

New Zealand Hydrological Society

PO Box 12300, Thorndon,
Wellington 6144

Phone: 03 928 0620


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Society Sponsor

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