NZHS Student Grants
The grant will be one student registration to the annual NZHS conference
To fund full-time tertiary students for up to 100% of the registration cost to attend the annual Society conference and present papers describing their work.
Grant applications are to be submitted by the recipient’s supervisor (who must be a current member and have been a member for at least 2 years). Recipients must be a student enrolled in a New Zealand tertiary institution, the principal investigator involved in the research, and the major author and presenter of the paper and the paper must be directly relevant to New Zealand hydrology.
Applications close on 30 September. The number of grants awarded annually is at the discretion of the Executive, taking into account available funds, the number of applications, and the circumstances of applicants, but is typically three such grants annually. For those applying to attend NZHS annual conference, a travel grant will only be awarded to those students whose abstracts have been accepted for presentation at the Society's annual conference. Therefore, applications should be made soon after the submittal deadline for abstracts (typically end of August) and will be acted upon by the Executive so that award occurs in a timely manner allowing for students to qualify for early-bird registration.
The Grant will be $100. The sum may be increased at the discretion of the Executive if circumstances warrant.
Promote the principal objective of the Society to further the development of the science of hydrology and its application to the understanding and management of New Zealand's water resources, and
Encourage full-time NZ tertiary students to attend the Society's Annual Symposium and present papers describing their work.
Grants in aid will be available for tertiary students enrolled at an NZ Institution to attend the NZHS Symposia.
The recipient will attend the Society's Annual Symposium, and present a paper or poster describing the hydrological work in which he/she has been the principal investigator or a principal participant.
Applications will be assessed by the Society's Executive who may invite advice from appropriately qualified people. Up to three grants will be awarded annually, at the Executive's discretion.
The recipient will be a financial member of the New Zealand Hydrological Society.
Applications may be made to the Secretary (admin@hydrologynz.org.nz), using this form, preferably at least 3 months preceding the NZHS conference to be attended.
The Grant will be up to $400 for the purchase of necessary equipment and materials.
Promote the principal objective of the Society to further the development of the science of hydrology and its application to the understanding and management of New Zealand's water resources, and
Assist full-time tertiary students to carry out hydrological research.
The recipient will supply a report to the Society's newsletter Current, which describes the work undertaken.
The recipient will be a financial member of the New Zealand Hydrological Society.
The recipient will normally be a full-time student at a New Zealand tertiary institution.
Applications will be assessed by the Society's Executive who may invite advice from appropriately qualified people. Up to two grants will be awarded annually, at the Executive's discretion.
Items purchased with the Grant will become the property of the recipient's institution.
Proof of purchase of the items must be supplied prior to reimbursement.
Applications may be made to the Secretary (admin@hydrologynz.org.nz), using this form, preferably at least 3 months preceding the NZHS conference to be attended.